The way the rules of halal and haram are considered in Islam
Halal and Haram are two important terms in Islamic law.
Generally, according to Islamic law, all legal matters are halal and all
illegal matters are haram. Halal and Haram are determined by Allah. So every
believer follows him without hesitation. Because he believes, ‘He has made
lawful for them that which is good (and good) and has forbidden that which is
impure (and bad).’ (Surah A'raf, verse: 157)
Limits set by Allah: Halal and Haram limits set by Allah for
the believer. In the Qur'an, Allah forbids exceeding this limit. Irshad said,
‘This is the limit set by Allah. So do not transgress it. Anyone who transgresses
the limits set by God is unjust. '(Surat al-Baqara, 229)
Only Allah has the right to determine: Halal and Haram have
the right to determine. God has not given this right to anyone else. Irshad
said, ‘Say, do you think that the sustenance which Allah has given you, you
have made some of it lawful and some of it unlawful? Say, "Has Allah
permitted you to do this, or are you denying Allah?" (Surah Yunus, verse
Related to Halal and Haram Iman: According to the belief of
Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaat, if a person considers an unquestionably proven halal
object as haram and haram object as halal, then his faith will be lost. The
Holy Qur'an declares war on this class of people. Irshad said, ‘Among the
People of the Book are those who do not believe in Allah and the Hereafter; And
Allah and His Messenger do not consider what is forbidden as forbidden and do
not follow the true religion, fight them until they bow down and pay the jizya
with their own hands. '(Surah At-Tawba, verse 29)
Part of the identity of a believer: Considering halal as
halal and considering haram as haram is part of the identity of a believer. The
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever reads the
Qur'aan and memorizes it and considers its halal as halal and haraam as haram,
Allaah will admit him to Paradise.’ (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2907)
Calling a halal thing haram is a heinous crime: calling a
halal thing haram is a name for slandering Allah. Allah says, "Do not say
that it is lawful and unlawful to lie to Allah because your tongue is a
lie." (Surah Nahl, verse: 116)
Violation of the limit of making halal haram: It is a
violation of the limit to consider any halal object as haram or to abstain from
considering it as haram. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you
who believe! Surely Allah does not love the transgressors. '(Surat al-Ma'ida:
Abstaining from halal things is indecent: It is not
permissible for a believer to abstain from what Allah has made lawful for man.
Because Allah says, ‘Say! Who has forbidden the adornment and pure sustenance
which Allah has created for His servants? Tell me! This is for those who
believe in the life of this world, especially on the Day of Resurrection.
'(Surah A'raf, verse 32)
Avoiding halal avoidance is the name of deprivation:
Avoiding the things that Allah has made halal is the name of being deprived of
the grace of Allah. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah says, ‘They say according to
their conception, these cattle and grain fields are forbidden; No one can eat
these except whom I will. '(Surat al-An'am: 138)
It is not to reject halal things for the satisfaction of
man: there is no excuse for avoiding what Allah has made lawful for the
pleasure of man. Irshad said, ‘O Prophet, why are you forbidding what Allah has
made lawful for you? You seek the pleasure of your wives, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful. '(Surat at-Tahrim, verse 1)
Above the halal-haram relationship: The rules of halal and
haram prescribed by Allah are above any kind of relationship and harmony. For
this reason, when the Companions Abdullah ibn Salam and his companions disliked
the eating of camel meat even after leaving Judaism, Allaah warned them,
"O you who believe, enter Islam fully and do not follow the footsteps of
Satan." (Surat al-Baqara, verse: 207; Details: Tafsir Tabari)
The Prophet's warning to those who reject halal: When a
group of the Companions of Madinah revealed that they had imposed harshness on
themselves and forbade lawful things for themselves, the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ‘Beware! The extremists have been
destroyed. He said this three times. '(Sunan Abi Dawood, Hadith: 4807)
When is it permissible to abstain from halal things? E.g.
1. Suspicion: If a halal object is in doubt, there is a
chance to avoid it. Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) said, ‘He who survives from doubtful things will protect his religion and
honor.’ (Saheeh Bukhari, Hadith: 52)
2. Physician's prohibition: When a dichotomous doctor makes
a halal comment that is harmful to the patient, it is permissible to avoid it.
Such as not eating sugar for diabetic patients.
3. Fear of being taken to Haram: If there is a fear of
creating a bad tendency in someone by a halal thing, then it is permissible to
avoid it. For example, avoiding spicy drinks, which can encourage a person to
drink alcohol. (Hedaya, drinking section)
4. Inherent dislike: It is permissible to avoid an object
for personal dislike even if it is considered valid for oneself and others.
When he went to the house of Maymuna (ra), he presented ‘dab’ (a desert animal
resembling guisap) in front of Rasulullah (sa). When the Prophet (peace be upon
him) withdrew his hand from it, Khalid bin Walid (peace be upon him) said, O
Messenger of Allah, is it haraam to eat dub? He said no. But since it is not in
our area. So I don’t like eating it. Khalid (ra) said, I dragged it and
continued to eat. And the Prophet (peace be upon him) looked at me. (Sahih Bukhari,
Hadith: 5391)
"Written in the original Bengali language: Mufti Abdullah Nur in 'Kaler kontho'"