The third wave of corona in India is expected in October
The second wave of coronavirus is going on in India. In the meantime, there is a danger of a third wave. The third wave of corona in India is expected in October. This time there is a risk of spreading the infection among adults as well as children. A committee of experts set up under the auspices of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in compliance with the directives of the country's Union Home Ministry has issued a report. - Anandabazar
According to the report, the third wave of Kovid has already hit India. Since the last week of July, ‘R Value’ has risen above 1 in the country. This ‘R value’ indicates how many people are being infected from one infected person. Learning from the ‘mistakes’ of the second wave of the corona, it has been suggested to be more cautious in dealing with the impending wave. The country does not need as many doctors, health workers, medical equipment and infrastructure to treat a large number of children infected during the third wave. The committee of experts suggested paying special attention to this issue.
Depending on the mathematical model, a recent IIT study also said that the third wave of corona could reach its peak in India in October. The committee of experts formed under the direction of the Union Home Ministry also sealed the study. India ranks second in the world in the list of countries affected by corona. So far 3 crores 24 lakh 49 thousand 306 people have been affected by corona in the country. 4 lakh 34 thousand 74 people died.