Sunday, August 15, 2021

Eventually the capital Kabul was captured by the Taliban.

Capital Kabul was captured by the Taliban.cradit for jazira 

The Taliban have at long last caught Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan . Prior, they involved 90% of the country. The Taliban warriors from Afghanistan then , at that point assumed responsibility for the capital.

Afghanistan's inside serve says the Taliban have started invading Kabul from all sides. A few Taliban sources likewise guaranteed that their powers had entered the capital. 

"Senior pioneers have approached us to resist the urge to panic," a Taliban warrior revealed to Al Jazeera. In Kabul we enjoy brought the message of harmony. 

The Taliban part added that they had no expectation of battling. They won't target government structures. Be that as it may, assuming anybody needs to leave the capital, they will be permitted to go securely. 

In the mean time, the Taliban gave an assertion in regards to the passage of Taliban contenders into Kabul. It approached its warriors not to cross the doors of Kabul. Simultaneously, guidelines have been offered not to possess Kabul forcibly. 

The assertion further said that conversations are in progress to make the way toward framing an interval government free from any and all harm. The assertion said the order was given to keep away from death toll and property in Kabul. 

Another Taliban proclamation likewise trained banks, finance managers and different business visionaries not to hurt their cash, resources and foundations. Source: Al Jazeera

Taliban representatives are going to the Presidential Palace to 'take power'


Taliban going to take power.cradit for inqilab

An arranging appintment from the Takuban has left for the Presidential Palace  in Afghanistan to get  ready for a "move" of force . An Afghan authority told the Associated Press (AP). The Afghan government official , talking on state of obscurity, said their objective was to surrender power calmly to the Taliban. - AP, Reuters .

In any case, Taliban pioneers have said they would prefer not to hold onto Kabul forcibly. Reuters cited one of their chiefs as saying the Taliban had taught those keen on passing on Kabul to leave securely. Contenders have additionally been told to abstain from savagery in the capital. The Taliban chief said the ladies had been approached to go to more secure regions. 

Prior on Sunday morning, the Taliban caught the western Afghan city of Jalalabad nearly without a battle. Prior on Saturday, Taliban aggressors raged the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif. Presently just the fall of Kabul will guarantee the arrival of the Taliban to control in Afghanistan.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

The young woman that is going to the moon as the first Arab wman


Nura al Matrushi

A young lady from the Sunni-greater part Muslim condition of the United Arab Emirates is set to turn into the main Arab lady to go to the moon. Whose name is Nora-al-Matrushi. The 26-year-old from the United Arab Emirates is joining the NASA space explorer course in the United States this year. On the off chance that all works out positively, she will be the primary Arab female space traveler. As indicated by specialists, the choice is "a progressive advance in the twenty-first century." Also momentous. 

Two space explorers have effectively been chosen to arrive on the moon, as indicated by the UAE Space Research Organization. One of them is 26-year-old mechanical architect Nora Almatrushi. Another is 32-year-old Mohammad Almulla. Who has longer than a time of involvement filling in as a talented pilot for Dubai Police helicopters. The two will be shipped off NASA's Johnson Space Center for a very long time of preparing in a couple of days. 

Nora Al-Matrushi, the principal female space explorer in the Arab world, said, "As a youngster, I used to make shuttle out of paper and cardboard boxes. What's more, I longed for going to space in that space apparatus. How frequently have I advised my mom that I need to go to the moon once. " 

That moon, notwithstanding, is as yet distant from Al-Matrushi. "The manner in which Americans talk and compose English, I'm simply learning it now," he said. I'm likewise learning Russian. On the off chance that you at any point need to go to the International Space Station with Russian space travelers, for him. Furthermore, I am learning the initial not many letters of being a space traveler in Dubai. Figuring out how to make a plunge Atlantic waters. I will go to NASA's Johnson Space Center in September. That is the place where the two-year preparing will start. The child in my heart would likely be most joyful if I would at long last get to the moon or the International Space Station. " 

Al-Matrushi said he became keen on contemplating designing subsequent to watching a narrative on the International Space Station. Passed Mechanical Engineering. Then, at that point he found a new line of work in an oil industry. Al-Matrushi advanced in the wake of discovering that the UAE's space research office was searching for space travelers. He was chosen by the UAE Space Research Organization based on tests. 

Prior, in 2019, Major Haja Al Mansuri was the main individual to go into space in the United Arab Emirates. On September 25 of that year, he boarded the Soyuz MS-15 shuttle for the International Space Station. After around 6 days in space, he landed securely in Kazakhstan on October 3, 2019. 

The moon, yet a couple of days prior, the United Arab Emirates red planet Mars connected in space research. The 'Expectation Orbiter' rocket sent by the UAE has arrived at Mars before the NASA meanderer Perseverance. 

Source: Anandabazar

What is the source of the Taliban's power?

What is the source of the Taliban's power?. cradit for BBC bangla

 The Afgan government  and the world are watching the incredible military success of the Taliban in Afganistan. Because in the last seven days, more than a dozen provincial capital cities have fallen to them. what is even more surprising is that seven of these are in the northern and northwestern provinces of Afghanistan , where the Taliban have never been so piwerful in the past.

 The question is , how has the Taliban been able to show this military might, even after being ousted by US and NATO forces for the last 20 years since it was ousted in 2001? Dr. Asim Yousafzai, an international relations lecturer at the university of maryland in the United States and an analyst on Afghan politicts and secyrity, said the Taliban has been moving slowly with this strategy over the past 10 years. they knew America wold one day leave Afghanistan. They were just waiting for the time . He added that the Americans strategy was to capture major cities in Afghanistan . But villages outside the city remained under Taliban control. Then , at a time when the United States was shifting responsibilility for security to the Afghan army , the Taliban were slowly targeting cities . 

Since then, when US President Biden abruptly decided to withdraw all American troops by 9/11, the Taliban have deprived Afghan security forces of sleep. One important provincial capital city after another has been collapsing for the past one week after the storm hit more than half of the country's districts in the last two months. Yousafzai thinks the Taliban are being very tactful. Instead of the ethnic Pashtun-dominated south and east, they have deployed forces in the northern and northwestern provinces, where government forces and government-backed militias are more powerful.

About a month ago, more than a thousand government troops defected and fled to neighboring Tajikistan. Even when the Taliban were in power, they could not enter Badakhshan, on the border with Tajikistan. But that province is now in their possession. In addition, provinces like Takhar, Kunduz and Zaranj, where Pashtuns are not in the majority, have been surprised by the way the Taliban have taken over without any major resistance. Yousafzai says the Taliban, originally a group of ethnic Pashtuns and hardline Sunni Wahhabi ideologues, has been trying to draw attention to other ethnic groups in Afghanistan over the past few years. The Taliban's attempt to seize the Tajik-dominated province of Badakhshan is a testament to that.

A recent investigative report published in the American journal Foreign Policy, an international relations study, says many frustrated Tajik, Turkmen and Uzbek group leaders are joining the Taliban. As a result, the Taliban have been able to impose control beyond their traditional sphere of influence. Many Tajik fighters in the northeastern province of Badakhshan are now Taliban. Similarly, many Turkmen fighters in the northwestern province of Faryab are now Taliban. The Taliban have also been able to recruit many Uzbek fighters in the northern province of Yojyan.

Zahid Hossain, a senior journalist and security analyst in Islamabad, said not only ordinary fighters, but also about a quarter of the Taliban's central leadership now belong to the Tajik, Uzbek, Turkmen and Hazara communities. In January of this year, the Taliban's top policy-making council, known as the Rahbari Shura or Quetta Shura, took on at least three non-ethnic Pashtuns. Shadow governors appointed by the Taliban in many provinces in recent times are not ethnic Pashtuns. Many of these ethnic fighters and group leaders are unhappy with the Kabul government for various reasons, which the Taliban have used. They are reassuring the leaders of these disgruntled groups that joining them will bring security and dignity. At the same time, the Taliban are telling them that the war against the Kabul government is not just a war of the Pashtuns, but a war for the creation of an "Islamic Emirate."

In a recent publication in the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, researcher Giles Doronsoro wrote in a research report entitled "The Taliban's War Winning Strategies" that the NATO alliance has downplayed the Taliban's intelligence and capabilities. ‘Some misconceptions about the Taliban were the biggest mistake of the international forces. They thought the Taliban was a shaky coalition of many groups, strong only locally. 'But in reality, Giles Doronsoro said the Taliban is a very strong organization with the right strategy, planning and coordination. ‘Their intelligence activities and propaganda are very effective. The local commanders have a lot of freedom, so they can understand the situation and make quick decisions. '

Who has provided the Taliban with the money, weapons, training and intelligence to survive 20 years of fighting with American and NATO forces? Yousafzai believes the Taliban do not need to confront others for money or weapons, as the Taliban make a lot of money from the drug trade. ‘Ninety per cent of the heroin market in the US and Europe comes from Afghanistan. The Taliban controls everything from opium cultivation to heroin production and smuggling in the south of the country. ' Earnings up to  1.8 billion. For one thing, in 2020, the Taliban earned  460 million from opium cultivation alone. However, it is not possible to get a precise account of this income.

Source: Translated from BBC Bangla.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Extreme levels of flood danger were announced in at least 26 places in Turkey


Dangeres flood

At least 26 people have been killed in flash floods in northern turkey. Several coastal cities in the Black sea were flooded on thursday (August 12th ). Many houses , shops and other  structures have been destroyed. This information has been known in the report of CNN.

Turkey has been hit by two major natural disasters this month. Many areas in the southern part of the country are devastated by the fire. Turkish authorities have been struggling to put out the blaze for two weeks. In the meanwhile there was a flood.

Turkey's Emergency Disaster Management Agency said on Friday (August 13th) that floods had killed 25 people in the province of Kastamnu. Besides, two more people lost their lives in the floods in Sinope. Rescue operations are still underway in the flood-hit areas. Rescue operations are being carried out by helicopter and boat.

Authorities say 740 people, including students, are trapped in an area's dormitory. About 1,500 people have been evacuated from the flood-hit area. About 330 villages are still without electricity. Five bridges have collapsed due to flood waters and many roads have been submerged.

Meanwhile, at least 229 official fires have killed eight people in Turkey since July 26. Authorities say the fire is now under control with the help of different countries. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that this is the first time in history that Turkey has faced such a situation.

Sources: CNN, AFP

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Rizik leads that period !!!! 1. Getting married........


Happiness, peace, prosperity and abundance are desired by all. Like everything else, all this is a gift from God Almighty. He is the One who alleviates human suffering. Removes melancholy and deprivation. So always pray to him for help and welfare.

People try hard to bring prosperity and success in life. Success requires the help of God Almighty more than labor. The deeds mentioned in the Qur'an-Hadith are beneficial for everyone. They bring prosperity and success in life. Here are some tips for Dhaka Post readers:

                                              Taqwa and trust in Allah:

Fear of Allah is taqwa or fear of God. Tawakkul means to have unwavering trust in him at all times. These two great deeds bring blessings to Rizi. One of the biggest reasons for abundance.

Allah the Almighty says:

And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out, and He will provide for him from a source which he cannot even imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him. GOD will surely fulfill His purpose. . . ’

(Surah Talaq, verses 2-3)

                                                       Protecting kinship relationships:

It is important in Islam to have good relations with relatives. This is the reason for blessing in family and family. Rizik is one of the ways to grow.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever wants to expand his livelihood and prolong his life, let him maintain kinship.’ (Bukhari, Hadith: 5985)

                                                            Repentance and forgiveness:

When you ask God for forgiveness, He forgives your sins. Eliminates danger. Gives success-prosperity. Gives prosperity and welfare in life.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

Then I said: Ask forgiveness of your Lord. He is very forgiving. He will send down on you abundant rain. Increase your wealth and children. Establish gardens for you. Rivers will flow for you.

(Surah Nooh, verses: 10-12)

                                                                Charity and generosity:

There is no substitute for charity and generosity. All this never fails. In addition, charity is a means of increasing wealth. If you spend in the way of Allah, Allah will multiply it many times over.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

Say: Surely my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His servants, and straitens (it for whom He wills). And whatever you spend for Allah, He will repay you. He is the best of providers.

(Surah Saba, verse: 39)

                                                            Recitation of Surah Waqia:

Sura 57 of the Holy Quran. This Surah is virtuous and blessed. Reading this surah daily at night brings a touch of blessing in life. Affluence and abundance come. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever recites Surah al-Waqi'ah every night, he will never be in need.’ (Mishkat al-Masabih, Hadith: 2171)

                                                                     Getting married:

Poverty is eliminated through marriage. Prosperity and abundance come in the world. Allaah encourages marriage and says, ‘And arrange for the marriage between you unmarried men and women and virtuous slaves. If they are in need, God will relieve them by His grace. GOD is Bounteous, Most Wise. '(Surah Noor, Ayat: 32)

Can mature hair be lifted?

Can mature hair be lifted?

It is makrooh to remove ripe hair from the head. Many hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) have been narrated in this regard. E.g.

Rasulullah SA. He said that when a Muslim's hair is ripe, Allah writes a good deed for him. Raises a dignity and forgives a sin. Nasai, Mishkat

In another hadith, Hazrat Abu Huraira. Narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ‘You shall not grow white hair. Because these will be the light on the Day of Resurrection.

And for every (Muslim) person whose hair turns white due to old age, one thawab is written against each white hair, one sin is forgiven and one dignity is increased. 'Ibn Hibban

In another narration, the Prophet. He said, ‘You will not grow mature hair and beard. Because if a Muslim loses his hair in Islam, it will be a bright light for him on the Day of Resurrection. Allah will give him a good deed instead of every ripe hair and will forgive him a sin. Abu Dawood

It is clear from the above hadiths that mature hair should not be raised for Muslims.

However, it is completely haraam to remove the ripe beard from the beard; Then it is no longer at the stage of right and wrong. Because Rasulullah SA. He commanded us to grow beards, let go of the beards (lengthen) and shorten the mustaches. Bukhari and Muslim.

And the same goes for women. That is, it will be makrooh for them to remove the ripe hair from the head; But if there is any ripe hair on their face, it must not be lifted. Because Rasulullah SA. Cursed all women who remove (white / black) hair or fur from their faces.

Written in the original Bengali language;- farhad khan naim

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