Happiness, peace, prosperity and abundance are desired by all. Like everything else, all this is a gift from God Almighty. He is the One who alleviates human suffering. Removes melancholy and deprivation. So always pray to him for help and welfare.
People try hard to bring prosperity and success in life. Success requires the help of God Almighty more than labor. The deeds mentioned in the Qur'an-Hadith are beneficial for everyone. They bring prosperity and success in life. Here are some tips for Dhaka Post readers:
Taqwa and trust in Allah:
Fear of Allah is taqwa or fear of God. Tawakkul means to have unwavering trust in him at all times. These two great deeds bring blessings to Rizi. One of the biggest reasons for abundance.
Allah the Almighty says:
And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out, and He will provide for him from a source which he cannot even imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him. GOD will surely fulfill His purpose. . . ’
(Surah Talaq, verses 2-3)
Protecting kinship relationships:
It is important in Islam to have good relations with relatives. This is the reason for blessing in family and family. Rizik is one of the ways to grow.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever wants to expand his livelihood and prolong his life, let him maintain kinship.’ (Bukhari, Hadith: 5985)
Repentance and forgiveness:
When you ask God for forgiveness, He forgives your sins. Eliminates danger. Gives success-prosperity. Gives prosperity and welfare in life.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
Then I said: Ask forgiveness of your Lord. He is very forgiving. He will send down on you abundant rain. Increase your wealth and children. Establish gardens for you. Rivers will flow for you.
(Surah Nooh, verses: 10-12)
Charity and generosity:
There is no substitute for charity and generosity. All this never fails. In addition, charity is a means of increasing wealth. If you spend in the way of Allah, Allah will multiply it many times over.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
Say: Surely my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His servants, and straitens (it for whom He wills). And whatever you spend for Allah, He will repay you. He is the best of providers.
(Surah Saba, verse: 39)
Recitation of Surah Waqia:
Sura 57 of the Holy Quran. This Surah is virtuous and blessed. Reading this surah daily at night brings a touch of blessing in life. Affluence and abundance come. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever recites Surah al-Waqi'ah every night, he will never be in need.’ (Mishkat al-Masabih, Hadith: 2171)
Getting married:
Poverty is eliminated through marriage. Prosperity and abundance come in the world. Allaah encourages marriage and says, ‘And arrange for the marriage between you unmarried men and women and virtuous slaves. If they are in need, God will relieve them by His grace. GOD is Bounteous, Most Wise. '(Surah Noor, Ayat: 32)
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