Friday, January 21, 2022

The United States and Germany want a speedy nuclear deal with Iran


Western nations believe Iran could develop a nuclear weapon. For this reason, the United States and Germany want a nuclear deal with Iran as soon as possible.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is currently visiting Germany. The two leaders said after talks with German Foreign Minister Annelane Bearbak that they wanted a speedy nuclear deal with Iran. Blinken said urgent action was needed to speed up the deal.

"The nuclear deal has been under discussion for several weeks," Blinken told a joint news conference. We are discussing whether we can go back to the nuclear deal. But now there should be no delay. "According to him," there has not been much progress in the Vienna talks. Nevertheless, a nuclear deal with Iran is still possible.

U.S. President Joe Biden also said Wednesday that "there is no turning back from trying to reach an agreement." The talks have now reached the final stage. We need to act quickly on a very urgent basis. Otherwise, we will not be able to reach a solution. "

The French Foreign Minister was also in Berlin. He said the talks were progressing at a very slow pace. Partial success has come. We need to speed up the discussion now. Iran's efforts have raised concerns among three foreign ministers. Iran has again reportedly accelerated uranium enrichment.

The talks began two months ago in Vienna. So far there have been eight points. Iran is being talked about by the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, China and the EU. America is indirectly involved in this discussion. In 2016, former US President Trump decided to pull out of the deal. Since then, relations between Washington and Tehran have deteriorated.

Biden is seeking renewal of the agreement after becoming president. But he does not want to lift sanctions on Iran. And Iran claims that it will not return to the agreement unless sanctions are lifted. Sources: AFP, Reuters.

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